Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sharing the news with Kevin.....

After leaving the doctor’s office parking lot with the exciting life changing news, I went to the nearest pharmacy to purchase two pacifiers, tissue paper to wrap them up, and a gift bag to put them in to along with a copy of the ultrasound on the bottom, so I could tell Kevin in a special way. I remember being so excited that I even told the check-out clerks of my plan.... Driving home, I had tears in my eyes, my hands were shaking, and my knees were absolute jello. I couldn't wait to get home to tell Kevin the news. I remember pulling into the garage, and running up the stairs into the kitchen to him, and without saying a word hugging him. I handed him the little gift bag I had just put together moments ago. Smiling, and a hesitated "Oh boy, what's this?" he took the bag and started opening it. He opened the tissue paper wrapped pacifiers first, and figured there were two different color ones in case we had a boy or a girl. He kept digging and found the ultrasound picture. He laid it on the counter, and just stared at it. After about 15-20 seconds, he pointed at one of the babies. "Wait,.. is that it?" he asked.. "That's one of them",... I responded. The look on his face was priceless. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about this miracle that we were blessed with, and how enriched our lives will be forever... Needless to say,.. Kevin came to every doctors' appointment after that!

The story of the very first Ultrasound....

This is the very first Ultrasound which was taken on July 3rd, 2007. I had some cramping pains which I was unfamiliar with, and decided to go to the doctor's office, to ask the staff nurse some questions about this. I called Kevin at work to let him know, and he left work early to come too. When I arrived at the doctor's office, surprisingly, they accepted me right away, and the nurse decided to conduct an ultrasound, just to be safe. While studying this image on the monitor, the doctor was also surprised to see two sacs, with a tiny heart fluttering in each. She left me alone to retrieve the owner of the practice to confirm that we were indeed looking at a live picture of twins. Alone in the room, in my little paper gown, I stared at the screen in utter disbelief. My heart and mind were racing with excitement and questions filled my mind as this newfound reality started to set in. Could it really be that we were blessed with twins? What are the chances? How could we possibly manage two infants at once? Although we planned this pregnancy one year out, from prenatal health care, collecting baby furniture, to purchasing my favorite diaper bag; nothing prepared me for this image of these two tiny fluttering hearts beating. After the owner of the practice came in to confirm that we were indeed looking at two living beings, it all began to sink in. It was then when I realized that we would need two of everything... after leaving the office, I just sat in my car in the parking lot, and just sobbed with excitement. I started thinking about how I'd creatively break the news to Kevin. I realized then, that I had to "pull it together" to call him, and let him know that I'm on my way home, I'd meet him there, and that everything is "ok",... That was a difficult phone call to make..... Little did he know what news awaited him when I got home.